April 12, 2008
Last week the RSA security conference was held in San Francisco. It’s hard to put all the impressions I gathered during the week into words. Let me just highlight some things that I thought were interesting:

RSA is a business development conference. It’s been that way for years and this year was definitely not different. At all! Don’t believe me? If even I, who is not in business development can collect this many cards, it has to be a biz dev con.
The Security Blogger meetup was great. Unfortunately I had to bounce very early. Sorry guys! I would have loved to stick around. The caliber of people hanging out in that room was crazy. Everyone that has a name, and more importantly a voice in the security industry, was there. Thanks to Jennifer for organizing it. Love the t-shirt!
Talking about everybody being at RSA: I met the CISO of the Vatican 😉
We had the first in-person common event expression (CEE) meeting. Some people from XDAS
showed up and we had some fairly good discussions around what to do with both the standards, how they can be aligned and how we can move forward.
Walking around on the floor, I found some interesting security visualizations. This one is from DeepSight. Very visually appealing. I haven’t spent much time to understand what’s on the displays, but it looks interesting.
April 7, 2008
This week, the RSA Security conference is taking place in San Francisco. Just a few things I want to capture:
- I will be speaking on Thursday morning 8am! Topic of the presentation: “A Journey Through Security Visualization“. I am co-presenting with Alain Mayer from RedSeal.
- I am announcing the rough-cuts version of my Applied Security Visualization book. This is an online version of three chapters of the book. You can get an electronic version and give me feedback on them. Not that I didn’t have enough to do with the comments from my reviewers already 😉
- I am going to be hanging out at various events and parties during the week. My schedule during the day is really full at this point, but I would love to meet you during the evening activities. Hit me up or check my Twitter feed for where I am at: @zrlram.
- I am most likely going to be at the Blogger Meetup on Wednesday. [If Splunk is not going to drag me into the Analyst dinner.]
So, given all this, it’s going to be both a busy and a fun week. Hope to see ya all there!
[tags]visualization, rsa security, visualization[/tags]
April 1, 2008
Thanks to the design department at Addison Wesley, I have a proposal for a cover page of my upcoming book:

This is really exciting. I have been working on the book for over a year now and finally it seems that the end is in sight. I have three chapters completely done and they should appear in a rough-cuts program, as an electronic pre-version, very soon (next three weeks). Another three chapters I got back from my awesome review committee and then there are three chapters I still have to finish writing.
Applied Security Visualization should be available by Black Hat at the beginning of August. I will do anything I can to get it out by then.
[tags]applied security visualization, security visualization, visualization, security, applied[/tags]