This is a slide I built for my Visual Analytics Workshop at BlackHat this year. I tried to summarize all the SIEM and log management vendors out there. I am pretty sure I missed some players. What did I miss? I’ll try to add them before the training.
Here is the list of vendors that are on the slide (in no particular order):
Log Management
- Tibco
- KeyW
- Tripwire
- Splunk
- Balabit
- Tier-3 Systems
- HP
- Symantec
- Tenable
- Alienvault
- Solarwinds
- Attachmate
- eIQ
- EventTracker
- BlackStratus
- TrustWave
- LogRhythm
- ClickSecurity
- McAfee
- NetIQ
- Event Sentry
Logging as a Service
- SumoLogic
- Loggly
- PaperTrail
- Torch
- AlertLogic
- SplunkStorm
- logentries
- eGestalt
Update: With input from a couple of folks, I updated the slide a couple of times.