By now you should know that I really like command line tools which operate well when applied to data through a pipe. I have posted quite a few tips already to do data manipulation on the command line. Today I wanted a quick way to lookup IP address locations and add them to a log file. After investigating a few free databases, I came accross Geo::IPFree, a Perl library which does the trick. So here is how you add the country code. First, this is the format of my log entries:
10/13/2005 20:25:54.032145,,,2071,135
I want to get the country of the source address (first IP in the log). Here we go:
cat pflog.csv | perl -M'Geo::IPfree' -na -F/,/ -e '($country,$country_name)=Geo::IPfree::LookUp($F[1]);chomp; print "$_,$country_name\n"'
And here the output:
10/13/2005 20:24:33.494358,,,,echo request,Europe
Very simple!
[…] one of my old blog posts I talked about how to do a lookup of IP addresses to map them to a geo location. That time, I was […]
Pingback by Raffy » Blog Archive » Locating IP Addresses — September 19, 2007 @ 8:03 pm