Sitting down at a cafe around the corner from where I live, I realize that some of the scripts I wrote a while back might actually benefit others too. This one is to connect to the first available access point:
iwlist ath0 s > /tmp/$$
ap=`cat /tmp/$$ | grep "Encryption key:off" -B 5 | head -1 | sed -e 's/Cell.*Address: \(.*\)/\1/g'`
essid=`cat /tmp/$$ | grep "Encryption key:off" -B 4 | head -1 | sed -e 's/ESSID:"\(.*\)"/\1/g'`
essid=`echo $essid | sed -e 's/ //g'`
echo Tryping AP:$ap / SSID:$essid
iwconfig ath0 ap $ap
iwconfig ath0 essid $essid
iwconfig ath0 nick test
killall -9 dhclient
dhclient ath0
Not sure whether there would be a simpler solution natively supported by linux…