March 8, 2006

Gartner – Messing with the Acronyms again

Category: Uncategorized — Raffael Marty @ 7:01 pm

Fresh from the press and fueling the discussion on the acronyms that I started earlier. Not just authors of articles are starting to make up new acronyms, now apparently the NBAD space is being renamed to NBA (Network Bahavioral Analysis). Why do we have to make things more complicated. People have a hard enough time already keeping track of technologies, and now you need to have a special dictionary for security acronyms?

1 Comment »

  1. But Raffy, if they didn’t rename “spaces” on a regular basis, they’d have nothing to show when their performance review came up!

    Think of the marketing analysts, my friend – the poor pitiful marketing analysts, like the bird lady from Mary Poppins, sitting on the steps of the bank, begging for tuppence…

    Seriously, somebody ought to take a social networking web tool and make a community-driven lexicon. The ISO definitions are horrible and out of date, the market analysts are swayed by the product marketing department of the various vendors “no, no, it’s an *adaptive* packet filter, not just a stateful one”, and I’d say at least 1/3 of the industry can’t even figure out the difference between vulnerability assessment and risk assessment.

    Comment by alex hutton — March 9, 2006 @ 9:31 am

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