March 11, 2007

Parallel Coordinates in R

Category: Visualization — Raffael Marty @ 3:25 pm

I am still playing with R to generate graphs. I have to say, after some initial frustrations, I think I start to get it. Here are some steps to generate parallel coordinate graphs in R:

Dataset < - read.table("/home/ram/foo2_200.csv", header=FALSE, sep=",") require(lattice) parallel(~Dataset,data=Dataset)

That's the very basics to generate a parallel coordinate plot. An interesting addition to this is to use a different command to generate the parallel coordinate plots:


This will generate n different parallel coordinates, one for each of the values in Dataset$V4 [where Dataset$V4 is the fourth column of our data].

Following is my last attempt. I wanted to change the axis labels. The y-axis I was sucessful in changing. For the x-axes, I was not able to change the labeling. I guess this is precisely the problem with R. Simple things are fairly simple to do, but if you want to change specific details, it gets quite messy quite quickly.


Parallel Coordinate Graph in R

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